Sunday, October 16, 2011

The First F***ing Entry

Instead of filling this with pearls of wisdom, or witty musings, I figured I should set up an introduction.  I hate introductions.  If you know me already, consider yourself fortunate.  If you Googled something unusual and found this, consider yourself fortunate.  I'm a 24-year-old pizza delivery driver with a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature.  This is also the first time I have referred to myself as "being" something, like I was calling it my career or something of the sort.

It is my choosing to do what I do.  I enjoy the hell out of my job.  I enjoy it much more than any other job I have ever had or any other class I have ever taken.  Essentially, I am a professional slacker.  I drive around in my f***ing awesome car and deliver f***ing awesome pizza (no, that is not a plug for my company - I really do think it's tasty) and listen to f***ing awesome music.  Did I mention I make great money?

Perhaps you are wondering what all the swearing is about.  It's really just an in-joke that I have taken too far.  The word "f***ing" is used for anything extreme.  If a friend is really outrageous, then that friend is "F***ing Stacy" or "F***ing Joe."  If a car is an abnormal color of blue, or a really bright tone, it's not just blue but "f***ing blue."  It's not an insult.  So, this isn't just my blog.  It's my F***ing Blog."

I did not introduce myself as being married or having kids or having some fantastic boyfriend because, well, it would be a lie.  I'm sure if you're reading this and you have kids then I am sure they are great, the love of your life, what your life is all about, and they shit pure gold.  However, I generally dislike children except for the rare few exceptions.  I am not married because it is hard for me to tolerate anyone for too long and I don't have a boyfriend because, well, it is hard for me to tolerate anyone for too long.  I like my cats and I like my car.  You will most likely hear plenty of things about my cats and my car in the future.

You can expect some reviews, musings, and most likely some agressive rants coming from this blog since I am opinionated, think too much, and occasionally have an anger problem.  But, hey.  Isn't it better that I verbally assault someone with this blog as my medium instead of punching their lights out?  Yeah.  That's what I thought.

I'm not sure if anyone will ever read this or communicate with me via this, but to get the ball rolling... did I just get deja vu for no reason or did MySpace have a blog once upon a time?

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